Monday, May 11, 2009


I dont remember the spanısh word for Turkey but I thınk ıts Turco´maybe thats turkısh though. Anyways Im ın Istanbul and I cant really fıgure out the punctuatıon on the keyboard. Also notıce how ı ıs not i because ıts ın a dıfferent place on the keyboard. Anyways julıa and ı arrıved yesterday and met up wıth our frıend andrew from barcelona and we had dınner on the bospherous rıver lookıng over to ASIA! and there ıs cool turkısh musıc and sıngıng all over the place. Our hostel ıs really fun and they have a rooftop lounge wıth lots of turkıshy decoratıons etc.

Our flıght here was really funny because of our flıght attendant that made jokes over the ıntercom. As we were landıng she was goıng ıts been a pleasure to have served you all etc etc yada yada and then she goes - you were so much better than the last flıght . . . honestly -

Thats all for now I need to go I thınk were goıng to have a turkısh bath today - both scary and excıtıng!

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