Friday, February 27, 2009

La mejor rua que he visto en mi vida

So I went again to Sitges for the best day of the carnaval, TUESDAY! who would think to put it on a tuesday but the Spanish. But anyways it was the best parade I have ever seen. The float isn't the most important part here. The dancers and the act before it is. They have very very elaborate costumes and they do a dance before moving on. The content was very different than in the states but also the face that the streets are so tiny made it feel different too, much more intimate. Here are some photos and I took several videos as well, some worked out better than others.

funny how her eyes match her head piece so well
head pieces

green harp ladies

Here's my video, I kind of messed up the timing and they don't start actually dancing until half way through

Carnaval in Sitges from Jack Randol on Vimeo.

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